Thermostat Placement: Why It Matters and Where to Put It

Every home needs a thermostat that performs accurate readings and achieves optimal temperature settings. Proper thermostat placement affects its performance.

Thermostat Placement

In this post, Stone Heating and Air explains why thermostat placement matters and the ideal locations to install this device.

Where to Place Your Thermostat

  • Rooms You Frequent

All rooms that you frequently use need comfortable temperatures. You should place thermostats in these rooms to ensure the sensors respond and adjust to the temperatures in these spaces.

  • A Central Location

A central location inside your home with continuous air circulation helps thermostats have accurate readings.

  • Interior Wall

Placing your thermostat on an exterior wall will cause it to measure the outdoor temperature, which isn’t an accurate basis for the temperature that you should have inside your home.

  • Above the Floor

Thermostats should be at least five feet above the floor to read temperatures accurately. If they’re placed too high, they might read the temperature changes inaccurately.

Where Not to Put Your Thermostats

  • Near Windows and Doors

Thermostats will read sudden cool breezes and passing warm air from windows and doors. This may trigger the system unnecessarily.

  • Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight triggers the thermostat’s heat sensors and causes the cooling system to consume more energy.

  • Kitchens

Kitchens generate more heat than any room in the house. Ovens and cookers might trigger false thermostat readings.

Other Things to Consider

Follow your manufacturer’s thermostat placement guidelines, usually found in the manual. If you’re using a smart thermostat, ensure they are connected to your Wi-Fi. Lastly, don’t install thermostats behind bookshelves or doors.

If you’re having thermostat troubles, hire only the best technicians to diagnose, troubleshoot and improve its performance. Get Stone Heating and Air to help with all your HVAC needs by callingย (541) 855-5521ย or filling out thisย contact form.

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