indoor air quality

Guide to Duct Cleaning

New Homeowner Guide to Duct Cleaning

Congratulations on your new home! As a new homeowner, there are numerous tasks and responsibilities to take on, and one important aspect to consider is the maintenance of your home's...

How to Deal with Winter Indoor Air Quality Problems

As the chill of winter settles in Central Point, Oregon, many don't realize that the air inside their homes might be even more hazardous to their health than the cold...

How to Address Common Air Quality Problems in Autumn

Keeping warm during the crisp, cool fall season is a priority for everyone. But did you know the air in your home could harbor unseen problems? Indoor air quality can...

Which Air Filters Are Best for Allergies?

Being triggered by allergies at home can be frustrating. Fortunately, the right air filter for your HVAC system can reduce the allergens in your living space. Continue reading as we...

Improve Your Building’s Indoor Air Quality With These Tips

A comfortable living or working space is vital for productivity and health. However, poor indoor air quality can impact both, resulting in a lack of mental clarity and alertness. Airborne...

5 Ways To Reduce VOC Levels In Your Home

The presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in your home can be dangerous to both your family's health and the environment. VOCs are found in everyday items like furniture, cleaning...

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality for Babies

Most young children, especially toddlers under the age of 24 months, spend the majority of their time indoors. In this blog, our HVAC experts share a few ways to make...

4 Ways an Air Purifier Improves Indoor Air Quality

Harmful indoor contaminants, such as tobacco smoke and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can have a serious impact on your family's health. As such, investing in an air purifier can help...

Telltale Signs You Need to Invest in a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier can help keep your home’s humidity levels in check and improve indoor air quality. As one of the top HVAC maintenance companies in the area, we recommend that you watch...

Why an Air Purifier Is Worth Investing In This Allergy Season

Blooming flowers and improving weather conditions aren't the only things you can expect this spring. For people with allergies, this time of year also brings on coughing, sneezing and other...

5 Things You Can Do to Improve Indoor Air Quality

With people spending more time indoors, it’s more important than ever for homeowners to assess the level of air quality inside their homes. Indoor air pollution not only lowers indoor...

How to Keep Your HVAC Ducts Cleaner for Longer

The condition of your air ducts can have a big impact on your home, particularly its indoor air quality. Dirty air ducts obviously pose health hazards, especially if you have...